Welcome to the KIT-Center Humans and Technology

Technology changes our lives, directly and indirectly. As a central institution of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, the KIT-Center Humans and Technology (H&T) offers orientation in these complex developments.

We combine research perspectives on innovations in their technological, ecological, economic, and social contexts and provide impulses for future topics at interdisciplinary interfaces. In this way, we develop relevant knowledge and practical concepts - with actors from science, business, education, politics and civil society - to critically reflect on, understand and responsibly shape innovation and transformation processes.



Zweites Citizen Science Netzwerktreffen am 7. APRIL 2025, 16 - 17.30 Uhr. Zu sehen sind Menschen, die sich unterhalten.EPICUR
2. KIT-Citizen Science Network Meeting


Monday, 7.4.2025, 16:00 - 17:30 o´clock, at Karl9 – Wissenschaftslokal für Technik und Gesellschaft

We will exchange ideas on the use of Citizen Science at KIT and create space for exchange on cooperation between science and society: Where are dialogues with society already taking place? What best-practice examples exist at KIT? What are our visions for the future involvement of citizens in research?


All interested researchers and employees of KIT are invited. Register your participation and, if applicable, your project presentation here or drop by at short notice!


The meeting is organized by the KIT-Center Humans and Technology in cooperation with the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS) and International Affairs (INTL).




Titelbild der Wissenswoche Health© TRIANGEL Transfer | Kultur | Raum
The KIT-Center Humans and Technology invites you to discuss the topic of PFAS during the Knowledge Week Health

20. - 23.03. Knowledge Week Health

In a few weeks, the Knowledge Week Health will kick off with a varied program on the health of the future. Thursday and Friday will start with a yoga session, followed on Fridays by exciting insights into the AHeaD project and innovative developments in the field of HealthTech. The Innovationscampus Nachhaltigkeit will then present its projects. On Friday evening, the Afterwork on the topic of PFAS invites you to discuss the risks of PFAS and possible solutions with experts from science, industry and the authorities in a relaxed atmosphere and bring the week to a close. On Saturday, the week will continue actively with KSC early sports on the market square, a family program and lectures, before we bring the Knowledge Week to a close on Sunday with wit, bite and live music at our late-night show "STULLE - wissenschaftlich belegt". All program points are free of charge.
We look forward to seeing you!


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Transatlantische Herausforderungen beim Thema Desinformation

The growing spread of false information poses a significant challenge to democracies – in Germany and the United States alike. As digital platforms shape public discourse, the proliferation of misleading content can undermine trust in democratic institutions and media alike.


Join us on the 24th of January from 6pm – 8.30pm as we delve into the critical intersection of information integrity and artificial intelligence. In a thought-provoking discussion featuring experts from politics, civil society, and academia, we will examine the risks that AI-driven disinformation poses to democracies and explore collaborative solutions to safeguard democratic values. We are excited to welcome Dr. Heather Ashby, Tobias Bacherle, MdB, and Dr. Jonas Fegert to the panel, moderated by Carolin Lindekamp (CORRECTIV).


Dr. Heather Ashby will set the stage with her Keynote. She is an independent researcher and consultant in the field of national security and technology. Dr. Ashby brings extensive experience in analyzing information integrity and the impacts of artificial intelligence on democratic processes.


After the Keynote Speech, the Panel Discussion: “Information Integrity at Risk: AI’s Role in Shaping Democracy in Germany and the US” follows. The panel will discuss strategies to address this global challenge, focusing on the transatlantic context. Panelists include: Dr. Heather Ashby, Tobias Bacherle, MdB, and Dr. Jonas Fegert.


The evening comes to an end after an Audience Q&A and a Closing Reception with drinks.


This event is organized by FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik in cooperation with the U.S. Consulate General Frankfurt, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology’s MuT, and TRIANGEL.


The event will be held in English.


Please RSVP by writing to goulandris@fzi.de.

Pexels Markus Winkler CHATGPTMarkus Winkler, pexels.com
Large Language Models in Academic Teaching: De- or Up-Skilling?

In the context of the EPICUR SHAPE-IT project, The Academy for Responsible Research, Teaching, and Innovation (ARRTI) and International Affairs (INTL) are organizing a panel discussion on "Large Language Models in Academic Teaching: De- or Up-Skilling?" on 6 February 2025, 18.00 - 19.30 at Triangel. We will welcome guests from Karlsruhe on the panel. Assistant Professor Dr Filip Bialy from our partner Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań will join the discussion online. In this event, the panelists will discuss whether LLMs in academic teaching are more likely to lead to deskilling - a reduction in qualifications - or upskilling - an increase in qualifications - and how this should ultimately be assessed. Attendance is possible both on-site and online, please register here before 4 February 2025 or join us at short notice (without registration) if you wish to attend on-site.    

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Speicher in der Tiefe: Wärmeenergie für Morgen

Vom 21. bis zum 23. Januar 2025 von jeweils 12 bis 18 Uhr kommt die Ausstellung „Speicher in der Tiefe: Wärmeenergie für Morgen“ ins TRIANGEL.


Wir alle brauchen im Winter viel mehr Wärme als im Sommer. Gleichzeitig steht im Winter weniger erneuerbare Energie zur Verfügung. Die Tiefe Geothermie kann helfen, dieses Ungleichgewicht auszugleichen: Sie erzeugt nicht nur ganzjährig nachhaltige Wärme, sondern kann diese auch speichern. So kann überschüssige Wärme aus dem Sommer im Winter genutzt werden.


Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler der Geoenergie-Forschung des KIT zeigen in der Ausstellung, wie Hochtemperatur-Wärmespeicherung im tiefen Untergrund funktionieren kann. Am Beispiel des Forschungsprojektes DeepStor am KIT Campus Nord erklären sie, wie eine ausgeförderte Erdöl-Speicherschicht zur Wärmespeicherung genutzt werden könnte. Mit einer VR-Brille machen sie in einer virtuellen Umgebung sichtbar, wie der Untergrund hier in der Region aufgebaut ist, wie er aussieht und welche Gesteinsschichten für die Speicherung geeignet sind. Eine weitere 3D-Visualisierung zeigt, wie das Speicherprinzip funktioniert und wie es für die Energiewende in Karlsruhe genutzt werden könnte.

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MobiLab am KronenplatzPia Laborgne
Preview of 2025

The MobiLab will be travelling a lot again in the coming year. With new content, engaged partners and exciting events.


3 highlights for 2025 in Karlsruhe:

The Europe Days on 9. May at Maktplatz will focus on internationality and interculturality in Karlsruhe. We will celebrate ‘Anniversary Year - 200 Years of KIT’ on 17. May at the Open Day at Campus South and from 14.-19. October during the KIT Science Week at the Natural History Museum under the motto Urban Nature of the Future.


The Eucor MobiLab Roadshow 2025 will also be travelling to the Eucor partner universities in Freiburg, Starsbourg, Basel and Mulhouse.


Look forward to a colourful year for MobiLab with the Centre for People and Technology!

 Anna Keitenmeier
Wissenschaftstheorie: Eine Einführung in die Methodenlehre (Mittwoch, 13. November 2024, 10:00 - 11:30 Uhr, Gastdozentenhaus (Geb. 01.52), Großer Saal)

Wissenschaftliches Wissen wird oft als tragfähig und verlässlich anerkannt. Dieses Auszeichnungsmerkmal wird seinerseits auf die wissenschaftlichen Methoden zurückgeführt, mit denen sorgfältig und kritisch die Berechtigung von Behauptungen geprüft wird. Im Rahmen des Vortrags werden einige Methoden vorgestellt, wie sie während der Wissenschaftlichen Revolution des 17. Jahrhunderts für die neu aufkommenden Wissenschaften entwickelt worden sind. Dazu zählen die induktive und die hypothetisch-deduktive Methode sowie das Experiment, die bis in die Gegenwart die Vorgehensweise der Wissenschaft charakterisieren. Abschließend wird auf die Geisteswissenschaften eingegangen und Behauptungen ihrer methodologischen Sonderstellung erörtert. Ziel ist es, an einigen Beispielen die Beschaffenheit des wissenschaftlichen Zugriffs auf die Welt deutlich zu machen.

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Tage der Demokratie 2024TRIANGEL
MobiLab at the Days of Democracy at Kronenplatz

On the occasion of the International Day of Democracy on 15.09, TRIANGEL warmly invites you to the Days of Democracy for the third year in a row.

This year, the Days of Democracy are held under the motto of the ScienceYear 2024, “Freedom.” In addition to an Un-Conference (Barcamp) for both the general public and experts, a varied programme of participation formats, panel discussions, information, cultural and art events awaits.
