About the blog

Welcome to the research blog of the KIT Center Humans and Technology.

The Center Humans and Technology is interdisciplinary. The researchers, for example, are interested in sustainable development, sports science, innovative research methods or the new digital world of work. But all of them are concerned with the question of how the future of our society is changing. This is what the research blog is about. Here, researchers write about why topics from their research are relevant for our future. The authors form their opinions on the basis of scientific publications and are guided by findings from their own research. The research blog is at the moment directed at a German audience which is why the authors write their blog posts in German.

The editorial team

The team of authors consists of researchers from the various KIT institutes of the Center Humans and Technology. They suggest topics, write articles and help each other to revise the texts.

How can I contact the editorial office?
If you have any questions or comments about our blog, please feel free to email geschaeftsstelle∂mensch-und-technik.kit.edu.
How does the editorial process work?
The authors suggest topics they would like to write about. These can be topics that arise in their own research or that they would like to reflect on in a blog post, for example, because their research community is particularly concerned with a particular question at the moment. The authors post this topic suggestion in an internal MS Teams channel. There, all other members of the editorial team have the opportunity to comment on the topic or give tips.
The authors write the blog post, then someone from the editorial team proofreads it, gives criticism and tips on how to improve the text. Finally, the post ends up with the blog editor, who edits it and prepares it for publication. If everything is right for the author and the editor, the article goes online - usually in the middle of the month.
Can I also suggest a topic?
If you are doing research at KIT and you feel your topic would be a good fit for our blog, we'd love to hear from you. The best thing is to write a short email to geschaeftsstelle∂mensch-und-technik.kit.edu. Then we can discuss directly how we can include your topic.
May I use the texts of this blog?
Our blog contributions may be taken over by other blogs, online portals or media if they are not changed. In addition, the author(s) of the article and the KIT Center for Humans and Technology must be named. The contributions are licensed under the Creative Commons licence CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.