Interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit ist heute sehr gefragt. Sowohl im akademischen Bereich als auch in der Industrie wird Wissen zunehmend von Experten mit unterschiedlichem Hintergrund gemeinsam erarbeitet. Obwohl solche Kooperationen ein großes Potenzial für Innovationen bieten, können sie die Forscher gleichzeitig vor große Herausforderungen stellen. Dieser Workshop dient als Einführung in interdisziplinäres Denken und Zusammenarbeit. Sie werden besser gerüstet sein, um das kreative Potenzial von epistemisch vielfältigen Teams zu erforschen und zu nutzen.
Dieser Workshop findet in Zusammenarbeit mit der KIT Graduate School Cyber Security statt.
Anmeldung: Bitte senden Sie eine E-Mail an Carolin Ibelshäuser bis Montag, 15. Juli 2024.
Mehr dazu03.07. | 17 – 18.30 Uhr | Werkstattgespräch „Partizipative Strategien für die Reallaborforschung“
Who participates in what? And who "lets" others participate, with what goals? Numerous disciplines and fields of research now have their own style of participatory formats: People and groups are addressed as consumers, citizens, actors in the economic system or those affected - and contribute their knowledge, ideas, questions and values to research, social and technical innovation, political processes and ethical reflection.
In this "Wekstattgespräch" we want to explore the question of which participatory research traditions have not yet been taken up by researchers and what potential they offer. We invite you to join Prof. Evelynn de Leuw (University of Montreal), Dr. Jasmin Jossin (HS Potsdam), Prof. Alfred Rütten and Dr. Jana Semrau (FAU Erlangen), Dr. Judith Müller (University of Heidelberg) and Dr. Richard Beecroft (KIT Centre for Humans and Technology) to discuss methodological innovations in the real-world laboratory.
Please register at:
03. and 04.07. | 11 – 12.00 Uhr | Open Tinyhouse: The Mobile Partizipation Lab
The MobiLab is opening its doors, come and visit us! We will be happy to show you our mobile research tiny house, including accessories and a look behind the scenes.We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the MobiLab, previous uses and its potential applications for your research.
05.07. | 09.30-11.30 Uhr | Mobile Research within the Urban Society (Workshop)
In order to conduct research with and about society, you have to leave the campus. The mobile participatory laboratory "MobiLab" offers a platform for participatory research and exchange between science and society. Get to know the MobiLab and join us in identifying potential uses for research and communication. This event is aimed at researchers from all institutes who want to expand their research methods with participatory elements or citizen science, or who are preparing corresponding applications.
Please register at:
An der Schnittstelle zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft entwickeln sich verschiedene Formate von Forschung und Transfer – auch am KIT. Ein Bereich, zu dem in unterschiedlichen Instituten unabhängig voneinander spannende Ansätze entstehen ist Citizen Science. Um die Potenziale für eine interdisziplinäre Kooperation hierbei auszuloten möchten wir Sie ganz herzlich zu einem ersten KIT-weiten Vernetzungstreffen Citizen Science einladen. Die Dienstleistungseinheit Internationales (INTL), das Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse (ITAS) und das KIT-Zentrum Mensch und Technik (MuT) möchten Akteure des KIT zusammenbringen, um Erfahrungen auszutauschen und gemeinsam zukünftige Aktivitäten zu identifizieren.
Bitte teilen Sie uns bis Mo, 1.7.2024, per E-Mail an Hoai Truong mit, ob Sie teilnehmen können und ob Sie ein Beispiel aus Ihrer Arbeit vorstellen möchten.
Wir freuen uns auf einen inspirierenden Austausch und eine produktive Zusammenarbeit!
This international plenary talk will examine the academia-society connection in South Africa, exploring how educational transformations and science governance can drive socio-economic development and foster active citizenship.
• Michael Kahn (CREST, Stellenbosch University, South Africa)
• Robin Cowan (University of Strasbourg/ UNU merit Maastricht)
• Moritz Müller (University of Strasbourg)
Date: Wednesday, 26 June 2024, 2pm – 4pm
Location in presence: Chair of Economic Policy, KIT, Campus South, Building 01.87, 5th floor, Room B 5.25, Rüppurrer Str. 1a, 76137 Karlsruhe
Online: You may join the discussion also via zoom: Zoom Link
Please register here:
For more information, please contact Ramona Bodemer.
A school of transformation is being created at KIT: here, students will find opportunities to deal with current social challenges and take action for a future worth living on the basis of their strengths and values. The starting signal is given with the action day "A desire for the future! How does transformation succeed? Strong. Bold. Sustainable" - a day with mini-workshops, a keynote speech, discussions in a World Café format and plenty of space to discover scope for action together.
June 21, 9-17.00 at TRIANGEL - open to students and anyone who wants to shape change!
Information and registration for ECTS:
The School of Transformation is a joint project of the Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change and the Perspectives Lab of the House of Competence at KIT.
Program (PDF)The NEULAND Innovation Day took place at KIT on June 12, 2024. This year, the event focussed on innovations that contribute to a greener, more digital and healthier future. The event built a bridge between science, business and art to support freedom of thought as a central theme of the Science Year 2024. MuT was part of the accompanying exhibition in the foyer of the Audimax!
Read moreSustainability research and public health research have many points of contact in terms of content. But there are also significant methodological similarities, for example in the experimental approach, in the aim of achieving a positive impact or in the systematic participation of different actors. In order to promote the exchange between experts from health research and real-world laboratory research, MuT co-hosted an online workshop “Sustainability and Public Health in Real-world Labs” on May 21, 2024 as part of a Fellow Group of the “TD Academy”.
KIT contact:
Das mobile Partizipationslabor ist nach langem Winterschlaf und einigen kleinen Reparaturen wieder voll einsatzfähig. Zu diesem Anlass laden wir Sie herzlich an den Campus Ost zum MobiLab Frühlingserwachen ein. Dort steht das MobiLab am 29.05.2024 von 12:00-17:00 Uhr allen Interessierten offen, zudem zeigen wir eine Auswahl an partizipativen Tools und Formaten für viele unterschiedliche Nutzungsmöglichkeiten. Wir freuen uns, bei einer Kleinigkeit zu essen und trinken mit Ihnen als bisherige oder zukünftige Nutzer:innen ins Gespräch zu kommen!
During the 2nd annual meeting of the KIT Graduate School Cultures of Knowledge, the two doctoral candidates Susanne Weyland and Pascal Vetter received their certificates of completion for their successful participation in the CuKnow program. We congratulate them both and wish them continued success for their (scientific) careers!
The second Doc Retreat MayDay of the KIT Graduate School Cultures of Knowledge took place on May 15, 2024. More than 20 doctoral candidates and professors from different disciplines came together to present their doctoral theses to each other, exchange ideas and discuss the future of the Graduate School. Many thanks to all participants for their active participation!
On April 25 and 26, the MobiLab will be stationed on the Kulturplatz in front of the district administration office in Rastatt under the theme "Geothermie zum Anfassen und Mitreden". Scientists from the Institutes of Applied Geosciences (AGW) , Nuclear Waste Management (INE), Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS) and the Center for Humans and Technology (MuT) will be inviting visitors to engage in dialogue on the topic of geothermal energy in the Upper Rhine region.
The MobiLab is being used in Rastatt at the invitation of the Upper Rhine Conference, whose Presidium, chaired by District President Sylvia M. Felder, is meeting at the same time in the Rastatt District Office
Read moreThe courses offered by the KIT Graduate School Cultures of Knowledge are now online. We wish all doctoral students a good start into the summer semester 2024!
Course ProgramReal-world Laboratories are currently very popular. Stemming from transformation-oriented sustainability research, they are used to testing innovative ideas under real-life conditions. In a special issue entitled "Impacts of Real-world Labs in Sustainability Transformations" of the journal GAIA, scientists present the current state of research on real-world labs. The special issue was edited by members of the "Network Real-world Labs for Sustainability", including several MuT colleagues. The starting point for the issue was the first conference of the network at KIT in 2022, which MuT supported. The full text is available open access here.
Most visions of the future that we come across are either euphoric promises or drastic predictions of doom - and some are already a little dusty. With "Xtopias", we now have a proposal on how to put ambivalences, open questions, contradictions, and conflicting assessments at the center of interest. Is my utopia perhaps your dystopia? The now completed project "Urbane Xtopien - Freiräume der Zukunft" (Urban Xtopias - Free Spaces of the Future) has resulted in a toolbox that can be used to address key future issues in a serious and playful way at the same time, without falling into woodcut-like simplifications. The toolbox and supporting materials are available in German and English on the project website. The interdisciplinary project team included colleagues from the University of Kassel and the German Institute of Urban Affairs, from civil society groups such as Transition Town and Spirit of Football - and from the KIT-Center Humans and Technology.
The KIT-Center for Humans and Technology (H&T) would like to thank Prof. Dr. Ingrid Ott for her tireless work as scientific spokesperson of H&T over the past 3 years. From March 1, 2024, Prof. Dr. Christof Weinhardt will take over as Spokesperson and will be actively supported by the two co-spokespersons Prof. Dr. Darko Jekauc and Prof. Dr. Daniel Lang. The entire H&T team is ready for new paths and challenges, invites all interested parties to enrich the center with ideas and commitment, and looks forward to joint projects and activities.
It's finally time again: from 1 to 5 July 2024, an interdisciplinary summer school will take place in San Sebastián, organized by ITAS and others. The event title is "The transformation challenge: Re-Thinking cultures of research" and (CuKnow) doctoral candidates can send their proposal to Bettina-Johanna Krings until January 15, 2024.
Program (PDF)As researchers and teachers in science, CuKnow members face a wide range of tasks and challenges. Supported by a theater pedagogue and a talent coach, the participants received exciting impulses to strengthen their scientific personality over three days and learned how to deal confidently and flexibly with challenges in everyday scientific life.
If you have any questions, please contact Elisa Adams and Joana Kling.
The theme week "Karlsruhe - The Robot Capital?!" from November 21 to 25, 2023 invites citizens to engage with the growing presence of robots in our everyday lives. The event will include workshops, discussions and an interactive exhibition where questions about the integration of robots in different areas of life will be discussed. This theme week offers a unique opportunity to get involved in shaping the future with robots and to exchange ideas.
Please register via ITAS.
The courses offered by the Graduate School Cultures of Knowledge are now online. We wish all doctoral students a good start into the winter semester 2023/23!
ProgramAt KIT Science Week 2023, a diverse program with exciting insights into the world of science awaits those with a thirst for knowledge. In 2023, everything revolves around the topics of climate protection and sustainability. Look forward to many hands-on offers, also for children. The KIT Center Humans and Technology will be present with the MobiLab at Kronenplatz. We, from the KIT Center Humans and Technology, cordially invite you to the program of the Eucor-MobiLab Roadshow at Kronenplatz! From October 10 to 15, you can get to know and experience the variety of topics of the Eucor universities.
MobiLab Program (PDF)From October 16-17, 2023, KIT-ZMUT, CuKnow, and ITAS will organize the workshop "The Diversity of Knowledge and its Relevance". This highlighted the importance of different forms of knowledge for the transformation of modern societies, especially against the background of global challenges. The workshop serves to promote interdisciplinary dialogue and the exchange of ideas for a more sustainable future and is offered to CuKnow members.
For registration and questions, contact Christina Benighaus.
Together with KIT-ITZ, the KIT Graduate School CuKnow organized a PhD workshop from 04.10.23 to 06.10.23. Here we offered participants the opportunity to reflect on their PhD, gain valuable insights into the writing process, and strengthen their research project. The topics included situational awareness at various stages of the doctorate, writing strategies, visualization in writing, and opportunities for individual questioning and feedback.
For additional information, please contact Christina Benighaus.
The MobiLab's journey on the topic of sustainability through the Upper Rhine region continues! An exciting, trinational program awaits you in another five cities until the end of October! The next dates of the roadshow are: Basel from 15-18.9, Kehl from 20-21.9, Strasbourg from 6-8.10, Karlsruhe from 10-15.10 and Mulhouse from 18-22.10. A bientôt! See you there! See you then!
Roadshow WebsiteHow do you feel about the heat in your city? What measures can help to adapt to ever higher temperatures and offer citizens a life-friendly space? As part of the EUCOR Tour, the KIT invites citizens in the involved cities to participate in a survey. It will take about ten minutes and will help to better understand the challenges of urban heat and to develop potential solutions.
Click here to go directly to the survey.
Flyer (PDF)Die Klimakrise fordert dazu auf, den Blick zu öffnen und über Sprach-, Länder- und Fachgrenzen hinweg gemeinsam Lösungen zu finden. Inspirierend ist das Denkmodell des Jardin planétaire, welches dazu einlädt, die Erde als Garten zu begreifen.
WeiterlesenCurrently, a data collection on the topic of heat is taking place in six cities of the trinational Upper Rhine region. The master thesis will further accompany the survey as well as evaluate the data. Entry is possible from mid-September or early October 2023. Applications are welcome until 10.09.23!
To the announcementIn unserem Format "Drei Fragen an ..." stellen wir Wissenschaftler:innen vor, die in den Feldern des KIT-Zentrums Mensch und Technik forschen. Hauptsächlich drehen sich die drei Fragen um Interdisziplinarität und Methodenvielfalt, aber auch um die Zukunftsrelevanz der Forschungen.
WeiterlesenIn the week from July 01 to 07, 2023, the MobiLab will serve as a "pop-up research lab" at the Werderplatz in Karlsruhe's Südstadt. With the motto "Gemeinsam Stadt_Machen" ("Making City Together"), a team of students and researchers will conduct research together with citizens on social and political topics that are topical in the neighborhood: e.g. What potential does the Werderplatz offer? What potential does the Südstadt green strip have? How does the Südstadt live? Who owns the Südstadt at night? Contact for questions and suggestions: info@ifr kit edu.
From June 26 to 30, the MobiLab was a guest in Freiburg. After an opening event on Monday, exciting hands-on activities and research activities took place in the following days. The knowledge and experiences of the citizens were asked for in surveys on the topic of heat in cities as well as on biodiversity in the Black Forest. In addition, various research projects were presented, such as the I4C project of the University of Freiburg. Knowledge about climate change was conveyed in a playful way with the climate puzzle. We are looking forward to the next stop of the roadshow in Basel from September 15-18, 2023.
Mehr InfosOn the topic "Varieties of Knowledge Production and its Relevance: What can we learn with regard to societal transformation?", an international workshop will take place at the Triangle on October 16 and 17, 2023. It is organized by the Graduate School of ITAS and the Graduate School Cultures of Knowledge of the KIT Center Humans and Technology. The role of knowledge in addressing global challenges and initiating social change will be discussed. Interested scientists from different disciplines can participate in the interdisciplinary workshop and give a talk or present a poster. Abstracts can be submitted until June 30 here: knowledge-production∂itas kit edu.
MOREFinally the time has come, the MobiLab goes on tour through the Upper Rhine region! The Eucor MobiLab Roadshow will start on June 26, 2023 at 17.00 in Freiburg im Breisgau with an opening ceremony. Afterwards, the MobiLab will be in Freiburg for four more days with a diverse program. Come by and feel free to pass on the event information. In September and October, the other stops will be in Basel, Kehl, Strasbourg, Karlsruhe and Mulhouse. For more info, visit the Eucor-MobiLab Roadshow website.
To the Eucor-Mobilab RoadshowTogether with the Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change and the Institute of Technology Assessment, the KIT Center Humans and Technology will present itself at the Open Day at Campus North on June 17, 2023. There will be various interactive offerings, including on the topics of energy, climate change, and nuclear waste disposal.
MOREFrom September 25 to 29, 2023, the Summer School organized by Eucor and the tdAcademy will take place at the Studienhaus Wiesneck near Freiburg. 20 PhD and Master students will have the opportunity to explore transdisciplinary formats and methods. The climate change adaptation of a district of the city of Emmendingen will serve as a case study. As the German-French-Swiss Upper Rhine region is particularly heat-stressed, cities and municipalities are challenged to quickly develop strategies and measures for adaptation. The PhD candidates will work on this issue concretely and in direct exchange with the city of Emmendingen. You can still apply until June 30 to participate in the Summer School (to:
MOREWe are continuously developing CuKnow, and starting in 2023 we are establishing an annual date in May as a central event for all PhDs of the Graduate School CuKnow, the MayDay. On this 1st MayDay on May 24, 2023, PhDs presented their currently running PhD theses in interdisciplinary teams in the guest lecturers' house and new PIs explained their content focus. A vivid exchange took place.
Graduate School CuKnowElisabeth Weiß-Sinn has become the 1st graduate of the KIT Graduate School CuKnow to receive her official certificate on Wednesday, May 24, 2023 at the annual meeting of PhDs.
Graduate School CuKnowThe KIT Graduate School CuKnow grants 4 short-term scholarships for which CuKnow members can apply now. The funding is intended to further strengthen inter-institutional interdisciplinary collaboration in the CuKnow Graduate School. The deadline for submission is 15.06.2023. If you have any questions, please contact Christina Benighaus.
MORE (PDF)On Thursday, June 22, 2023, the 6th Regional Conference Mobility Turnaround will take place all day under the motto "Mobility Turnaround in Municipal Reality". According to a study by Agora Energiewende, transport is the biggest problem in meeting Germany's climate targets, which missed its sector target by 11 million tons of CO2. High-ranking representatives from politics, science and business within the TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe (TRK), the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region (MRN) as well as from the French Collectivité européenne d'Alsace will discuss current topics in the form of moderated panel discussions and keynote speeches.
MOREAre you passionate about sustainability and have an idea for a start-up that advances transformation? The KIT Academy for Responsible Research, Teaching, and Innovation (ARRTI) encourages applications for the KIT Sustainable Innovation Challenge 2023. Submit your ideas and be selected - the winners will be supported financially and with the know-how to further develop the start-up idea.
RegistrationOn June 05 and 06, 2023, CuKnow member Prof. Nieken with her group and the KD²School will host the first workshop on "Gender in Adaptive Design" at KIT's Triangle Open Space. In an interdisciplinary format, international researchers discuss topics around gender discrimination, AI, and adaptive systems. Together, we will discuss how the integration of gender aspects can lead to fairer and more inclusive technological solutions. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Paul M. Gorny.
Program (PDF)The Institute for Regional Science (IfR) in cooperation with IfGG and ITAS at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology is conducting an urban research project on Karlsruhe Südstadt at Werderplatz in the coming months, where MobiLab will also be deployed in July. Dr. Judith Müller from MuT will participate in the event as a teacher
MORE (PDF)It is hard to imagine science without social media. However, the relevant platform Twitter has experienced a lot of criticism since its takeover by Elon Musk. This is also a reason for MuT to break into the Fediverse. Markus Szaguhn and Judith Müller explain the background to this.
Read moreFrom March 27 to 30, 2023, the Spring Sustainability Academy will take place on the topic "What is sustainable agriculture?". Thematically, the project week will deal with challenges for global agriculture in times of global warming, extreme weather events, questions of sustainable food production and still persistent malnutrition. The event is aimed at interested parties from academia and practice, as well as students. The Spring Sustainability Academy will open on Monday, March 27, 2023, at 6 p.m. with a public keynote address by Prof. Dr. Dr. Urs Niggli, President of the Institute of Agroecology in Switzerland, in the KIT Audimax. Here you can find the program.
MORENikas Scheidt spent two weeks in September 2022 at the Centre for Development Studies and the Gulati Institute of Finance and Taxation in Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala/India). As India experiences rapid population and economic growth, she is a key country for sustainable development. He met local researchers working on technological change in India and discussed with them and their students current research findings on the role of technology and international institutions in sustainable development. Future collaboration between the researchers is planned. The research stay was funded and supported by the Networking Grant and the Graduate School Cultures of Knowledge at KIT.
To conclude the research project "DaDuHealth: Datenzugang und Datennutzung in der medizinischen Versorgung und im Bereich Gesundheit und Freizeit. Eine ethische, rechtliche und soziale Analyse" a workshop will be held in hybrid form on March 24, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Freiburg and on Zoom. Afterwards, in the afternoon (3:30 p.m. to approximately 8 p.m.), all participants are invited to an interactive exhibition as well as a panel discussion on "The Future of Health Data Research." To attend the workshop, please register here: (with a reference to whether you would like to attend on-site or online). Places for the on-site workshop in Freiburg are limited.
In the future, the Graduate School Cultures of Knowledge can award grants for travel at home and abroad. Each enrolled member of CuKnow can apply for an annual budget of max. 750,- € for travel or conference expenses. During the entire membership period, up to 3,000 € per PhD student will be funded if sufficient funds are available. Travel must be related to the respective dissertation or research project. Further information on the formalities of business travel accounting can be found here. If you have further questions, for example about the budget or the accounting, you can contact
Graduate School CuKnowDo you already know our MobiLab? If not, you can get an impression of what is possible with the mobile participation lab in the new MobiLab film.
Watch the MobiLab-FilmOn September 5 and 6, 2023, the BMBF will host the interdisciplinary conference "Diversity and Equity in Higher Education and Science: Familiar Questions - Better Answers - Best Practice Approaches" in Berlin. Special attention is given to the identification of new aspects, questions and challenges as well as innovative approaches. Scientists and scholars of all qualification phases are invited to submit contributions until March 17, 2023.
MORE (PDF)As chancellor, Angela Merkel said she could only shake her head at how much some people earn. How self-serving are managers? And does gender play a role?
These are the questions that the authors from the chair of Political Economy explore.
The KIT Center Humans and Technology is looking for a part-time (50%) scientific employee for the use and operation of the Mobile Participation Lab "MobiLab".
More than 30 participants from universities in the Eucor region met at KIT on January 17 for a hybrid kick-off workshop to draft cooperations during the planned MobiLab Road Show 2023. Stops include Strasbourg, Freiburg, and Karlsruhe, where actions from the transfer fields of research, science communication, and education will take place in and at MobiLab.
As part of the KIT's designation as a "Place of Learning for Education for Sustainable Development" (BNE) by the German UNESCO Commission and the BMBF, a digital spot on the topic was shown at the Public Video Station (Campus South/ Durlacher Tor underground station) between 16 and 30 January 2023.
MOREThe Institute for Regional Science (IfR) has organized a research colloquium "On the (sustainable) financialization of the constructed environment" in January and February. Scholars discussed current housing policy issues. The colloquium started in January and took place on Wednesdays at 5:30 pm on the 1st floor of building 10.50.
ProgramThe Graduate School CuKnow invited to the three-part workshop series "Der Dialog als Erkenntnisgewinn" on 20 January, 3 February and 17 February. The workshop series aims to reflect on dialogue as an insightful medium of knowledge production. Click here for the event. If you have any questions, please contact Anna Keitemeier.
MORE (PDF)The KIT Research Office (FOR) offered a digital workshop on "Creative Thinking for Grant Proposal Development" from 13 to 16 December from 11:00-12:30. The offer was specifically aimed at postdocs. For registration and further questions, please contact:
During the digital workshop for the upcoming MobiLab Roadshow through the Eucor region, scientists and Eucor speakers from the universities in Karlsruhe, Strasbourg, Basel, Freiburg and Mulhouse met on December 2. The thematic focus of the tour was further developed and organizational aspects were discussed. In January, a follow-up workshop with all participants of the tour will take place in Karlsruhe.
MoreIn 2023, the MobiLab will go on tour through the Eucor region and will make guest appearances at the universities of Strasbourg, Basel, and Freiburg. In addition, it will be part of the Science Week program at KIT. Those who are interested in using this event to do research at MobiLab were welcome to participate in the Interest Workshop on December 02, 2022. Registrations could be sent to Thomas Heine.
MORE (PDF)What is the idea behind MobiLab? How does a workshop in it work? What opportunities do Tinyhouses offer for more sustainability? In the podcast episode of Quartier Zukunft "Labor Zukunft - Forschung ohne Kittel" ran on November 29, 2022 at 20.00 the new episode, in which everything revolves around the MobiLab. Live as in the webstream of Campusradio and on 104.8 UkW. The episode can also be found on the Spotify channel of Labor Zukunft.
MoreThe mobile participation lab MobiLab recently had its first birthday and looks back on a diverse year with many exciting assignments in and around Karlsruhe. A current overview with these assignments can be found here. In 2023, the MobiLab will start a research tour through the Eucor area! More information will follow soon.
MobiLab pageIn the dialogue event "Corona crisis, climate crisis, energy crisis: What do we expect from science?" on Tuesday, 15 November 2022, hosted by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), citizens discussed what they expect from science when it comes to overcoming crises individually and as a society.
RegistrationDeep geothermal plants should be implemented jointly with the surrounding communities. The authors, who developed recommendations for action together with citizens and stakeholders in the GECKO project, present their work.
Read more
Marta Serra-Garcia and Nora Szech show that many people prefer to look the other way when it comes to a donation situation. However, just 10 cents reward can make half of these people look into the donation opportunity after all.
Read more´On 6 October, under the title "Climate and Energy Projects: Perspectives for Cooperation in the Upper Rhine", the 2022 Climate and Energy Congress of the Upper Rhine Conference took place. Project ideas are to be developed in order to concretize the implementation of the climate strategy of the Trinational Metropolitan Region Upper Rhine (TMO).
On Thursday, 29 September 2022, the convention of the graduate school "Cultures of Knowledge" took place in person. Topics included future content and funding strategies. For questions and further information, please contact: Christina Benighaus.
Program (PDF)Science communication is becoming more and more important - become a blog author! On MuT's research blog, you can share your research topics with the public in a quick and uncomplicated way, but still with high-quality editing. If you are interested, write us an email: Judith Müller.
Research blogThe 11th Regional Conference of the Helmholtz Research Network "Regional Climate Change and Humans" took place on September 20 in Karlsruhe. This year's topic was "Climate Change in Regions: Clean Air - Clean Energy." The conference was organized by the Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research at KIT together with the Helmholtz Research Network Regional Climate Change and Man (REKLIM).
Program (PDF)Prof. Petra Nieken of the Institute of Management has been awarded the 2021 Best Article Award by the journal "The Leadership Quarterly": How (not) to motivate online workers: two controlled field experiments on leadership in the gig economy. She receives the award together with co-authors Sebastian Fest, Ola Kvaløy and Anja Schöttner.
MOREOn July 18, 2022, the KIT Center Humans and Technology was a guest in front of and in the City Hall. On one of the hottest days of the year, the Mobilab was open for interested people as a place for different science communication formats. Afterwards, a science slam took place in the city hall. For those who could not be present at the evening event KIT in the City Hall on July 18, 2022, we now offer a recording of the evening on YouTube. Here you can watch the contributions of the various science slammers (again).
VideosJanina Krell-Rösch, together with US colleague Yonas Geda, has won this year's "Alzheimer Award" of the Journal of Alzheimer's disease for a publication in which other IfSS staff members were co-authors.
MOREOn the occasion of this year's "Days of Democracy" and "Fair Weeks", a diverse program for the public took place on Karlsruhe's Kronenplatz from September 14-17, 2022.
We are looking for several student/research assistants with different areas of focus. We offer a flexible, collegial work environment in a transdisciplinary and transformative setting. Apply now at MuT and become part of our team!
Job listingArtificial intelligence is becoming increasingly important in our everyday lives and is therefore also increasingly negotiated in public debates. The RHET AI Research Unit investigates these discourses and narratives.
Read moreOn Monday, July 18, 2022, the KIT Center Humans and Technology presented itself to the Karlsruhe public under the title "Shaping Change". At 6:30 p.m., a science slam followed by a reception took place in Karlsruhe City Hall. In addition to the event, the "MobiLab" gave a guest performance with a public program on the marketplace from July 18 to 20.
MOREIn preparation for the Science Slam at KIT in the City Hall (July 18, 2022), a preparatory workshop on slamming was held at ITAS on July 07, 2022. The second workshop part was held on July 13. Science communicator Philipp Schroegel will teach participants the tricks for entertaining short scientific presentations. The anticipation for the event "Shaping Change" is rising!
MOREWelcome Ramona Bodemer! Our new employee supports the team of MuT with secretarial tasks from now on. If you would like to contact the center, you can do so from now on via the following contact details: Email:, Phone: +49 721 608-45257.
Team pageFrom June 27 to 29, 2022, the Summer School entitled "Methodological Diversity" took place at the Institute of Sport and Sport Science of KIT. The Summer School was part of the PhD student program of the graduate school Cultures of Knowledge (CuKnow) as well as the program "Problem-Oriented Sport Science". The program included various key note lectures and workshops as well as opportunities for social exchange and a sporty evening program.
Machine Learning has long since arrived in our everyday lives and is sustainably changing almost all aspects of our lives. This article discusses the opportunities and challenges of Machine Learning in enterprise management.
Read moreAt the first conference of the Reallabor research community in the German-speaking world, more than 200 scientists came together on June 2 and 3 to share their results and approaches and to exchange ideas. The colorful program included workshops, lectures, but also artistic interventions.
MOREOn 23.06.22 the information event "Helmholtz Imaging Roadshow" took place digitally at KIT. Helmholtz Imaging brings together scientists and engineers in the Helmholtz Association to promote and develop imaging science.
MORE (PDF)On May 18, 2022, KIT received the "National Award - Education for Sustainable Development" in the category "Learning Sites". The decisive factors were among others many educational offers with MuT participation, such as the "Karlsruhe School of Sustainability" or the mobile participation laboratory "MobiLab".
MOREThe exhibition ship and "floating science center" - the MS Wissenschaft - started out in Berlin in May 2022. Until mid-September, the ship visited 30 cities in Germany, including Mannheim (August 19-22) and Heidelberg (September 1-4). That year, the exhibition on board called "Nachgefragt!" took a close look at science itself.
MOREUnder the motto "Awake and fit for the future - 50 years of yoga at KIT", the Institute of Sport and Sport Sciences (IFSS) offered a varied program around the topic of yoga on June 24, 2022. In addition to joint yoga exercises, there was also a lecture by Oliver Parodi (ITAS) on the role of yoga in societal transformation. Registration was requested by 09 June.
MORE (PDF)Where do we stand today with real labs? This was the topic of the conference "Sustainable impact - real labs in transformation" from June 2-3, 2022 in Karlsruhe. The call was open and contributions could be submitted until March 15, 2022.
RegistrationA wind turbine spins on the horizon, a photovoltaic system on the roof supplies the elementary school with electricity, and the car-sharing electric car charges at the charging station in the street - this is what the energy supply in municipalities could look like in the future.
Read moreTo promote projects that combine sustainability, responsibility, and innovation, the KIT Academy for Responsible Research, Teaching, and Innovation (ARRTI) announced a competition. Ideas for products, processes, or services based on KIT know-how and motivated to do good out of responsibility were sought. Their realization promises a positive impact for individuals, society, or the environment. Funding was available for projects with a duration of up to one year and a project start date no later than September 1, 2022. The maximum funding amount per project was 40,000 euros. Applications could be submitted until April 30, 2022.
MOREUnder the title "Privacy, data protection, common good: Ethical, legal and social challenges of using health data for research" ITAS invited to the conference of the project DaDuHealth on April 07 and 08, 2022. In addition to a keynote speech, there were presentations with results of the project as well as two workshops. The conference took place at TRIANGEL Open Space.
MORE (PDF)From March 28-31, 2022, the KIT hosted the Spring Days of Sustainability. The focus here is on the question of how science can contribute to the ecological, social, and technical transformation towards sustainable development. On the occasion of the Spring Days, we offered a diverse program at MobiLab consisting of workshops, hands-on activities, and information opportunities on the activities of MuT and KAT.
In our format "Three questions to ..." we introduce scientists who are doing research in the fields of the KIT Center Humans and Technology. The three questions are mainly about interdisciplinarity and diversity of methods, but also about the future relevance of the research.
Read moreThe Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change (KAT) is committed to a sustainable coexistence that respects the environment, our fellow human beings, and our posterity, with a wide range of activities in research, education, and consulting. The institutional background of KAT is the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS) at KIT. The founding ceremony took place within the framework of the conference "Nachhaltig wirken - Reallabore in der Transformation" on June 2 and 3, 2022, at Südwerk Karlsruhe.
MOREIn our format "Three questions to ..." we introduce scientists who are doing research in the fields of the KIT Center Humans and Technology. The three questions are mainly about interdisciplinarity and diversity of methods, but also about the future relevance of the research.
Read moreFrom March 28 to 31, 2022, the Spring Days of Sustainability took place at KIT. The project days included workshops, excursions, market of opportunities, and keynote speeches.
Mindfulness is being aware of the moment in the here and now, far away from circling thoughts and scouring the Internet. This concept is not spiritual hocus-pocus and is not only relevant for ascetic monks, but also for the society of tomorrow.
Read moreA new format is added to the research blog! Under the title "Three questions to ..." we will from now on regularly introduce scientists who are doing research in the fields of the KIT Center Humans and Technology. The three questions are mainly about interdisciplinarity and diversity of methods, but also about the future relevance of the projects. Research approaches are thus made more visible and networks are expanded. Our first interview partner is Christiane Hauser.
Read moreOn December 02 and 03, 2021, the PhD students of the KIT Graduate School "Cultures of Knowledge" met for the first time for a Doctoral Retreat. The focus of the retreat, which took place online, was on interdisciplinary exchange and getting to know each other. On the first day, the doctoral students were guided through the event and the presentation of the doctoral projects by the trainer Dr. Christiane Kasack. On the second day, a workshop entitled "Mentally strong through the doctoral phase" was held, led by PD Dr. Helmut Strobl and Dr. Philipp Laemmert, both from the University of Bayreuth.
The further development of transdisciplinary and transformative methodology is a core concern of the KIT Center Humans and Technology. Accordingly, there were several contributions from MuT in the program of this year's International Transdisciplinarity Conference, e.g., on reallab methodology, the MobiLab as research infrastructure, and transformatively oriented self-experiments. A conference report from MuT's perspective is available in the journal TATuP 30/3.
MOREWhat are the long-term consequences of the Corona crisis for our society? What can and must politics do? These are the questions being addressed by a team of researchers at the Institute of Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis.
Read moreOn Thursday, Nov. 25 at 6 p.m., DE Internationales hosted the recurrent "International Excellence Talk." Dr. Karen Renaud (Strathclyde University, Scotland) gave a virtual talk on "Moving from "Human as Problem" to "Human as Solution" in Cyber Security". Karen Renaud was awarded the International Excellence Fellowship in the third funding round and will come to the KIT next year, where she will do research in the group of Prof. Dr. Melanie Volkamer (AIFB).
MOREThe Institute for the History of Art and Architecture (IKB) organized an online lecture series on the topic of the topology of visualization. In order to identify and name sites of action of visualization, in which different theories and practices of making visible come into play, guests discussed "their" visualization and the conditions that give their field the character of visualization in theory and practice. Past dates were 11/18, 12/02, and 12/16/2021, each from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm.
MOREOn 28.10.2021, Lars Fischer (editor at and responsible for the science blog SciLogs) held a short workshop on science blogging for the Center Humans and Technology. One focus was on the topic of how researchers can represent their own opinions in a substantiated way in blog posts.
MOREThe real world lab team around Oliver Parodi (ITAS) has received the Joachim Reutter Prize 2021 for Social Innovation for the participatory project "Quartier Zukunft – Labor Stadt". The real world lab is a method for interaction between society and science in order to creat sustainable development paths. The prize money will be used, inter alia, to fund international visiting researchers.
MOREFrom 30 October to 5 November 2021, the MobiLab was presented to the general public at the Offerta consumer fair. It served as a demonstration object for the Tiny House e.V.. A special show on Tiny Houses was held in Hall 2 of the Rheinstetten exhibition center in preparation for the large independent Tiny House exhibition to be held the following year. Subsequently, the MobiLab was used as a venue for a citizens' dialogue on 6 and 7 November as part of the KARLA project.
On October 15, 2021, a workshop entitled "Scenarios for the use of geothermal energy for a climate-neutral heat supply at the KIT Campus North site and the surrounding area" was held as part of the GECKO project. Stakeholders, citizens and KIT employees discussed scenarios for the design of the planned geothermal projects in the Hardtwald. This participation process is intended to further advance the realization of the plant and to integrate safety requirements as well as the interests and knowledge of the various stakeholders.
For the first time, the Heidelberg Center for Education for Sustainable Development has awarded the state-wide education prize "University Teaching for Sustainable Development". Ines Bott, Anne-Sophie Risse (ZAK), Richard Beecroft and Oliver Parodi (MuT) received the second prize for the "Spring Days of Sustainability". Markus Szaguhn, one of the first prize winners from Constance University of Applied Sciences, is now also working at MuT.
The MobiLab is officially put into operation. On this occasion, we would like to invite you to a small, casual opening celebration on Wednesday, 22 September, 3 pm. In addition to a tour of the MobiLab, we will also be happy to exchange ideas about possible forms of use!
MORE (PDF)The MobiLab had its first deployment at the Energy Transition Day on September 20, 2021, as well as at the German Sustainability Days taking place at the same time (20.-22.9.21). This year, topics of climate protection (KIA, KARLA) and the energy turnaround (EDia) were in the focus.
Heat generation accounts for 50% of energy consumption in Germany and thus plays a central role in the energy transition to achieve its climate goals. The transdisciplinary GECKO project integrates the local population into the planning of a geothermal plant for KIT.
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The development strategy, which benefits from scientific cooperation between Karlsruhe and Buenos Aires, addresses three problems: Housing shortage, environmental pollution and unemployment.
Read moreHow can Big Data be used for management purposes? The article discusses the advantages of a new form of performance measurement for companies and their employees.
Read moreThe KIT Center Humans and Technology, together with the German-French Institute for Environmental Research (DFIU), conducted an online workshop on the topic of "Acceptance of Technical Innovations". Participants were researchers. The aim was to bring together researchers from the EUCOR network who are already working in the field of acceptance of technological innovations or are interested in it. The Center Humans and Technology serves as a platform to further develop this research area and make it more visible.
MORE (PDF)Digitalization is changing the demands on teams and leaders. Which skills are central to this?
Read moreThe 20-minute impulse film "Zusammenwirken" (Synergy) provides insights into the use of the research instrument real world lab as well as its possibilities and challenges in the context of social transformation. After the impulse talk and film screening, there was space for discussions on the impact and possible uses of films as transformation media.
MOREAgain this year, the KIT Faculty of Economics has organized its annual celebration as part of the Dialogue Day - Economics & Technology. The focus of the event was the linking of science and practice. This year's leading topic "The Future of Work" had a diverse program .
MOREDoes the bioeconomy have the potential to provide a way out of the climate crisis? Scientists from the KIT discussed this question at the university’s annual celebration. Dr. Christine Rösch, head of the research group sustainable bioeconomy at ITAS and member of the KIT Center Humans and Technology, was also part of the panel.
MOREOn 16 June 2021, young researchers, students and young entrepreneurs had the opportunity to present their research, ideas or business models in short talks to a jury. The best could join the Falling Walls Conference in Berlin. The deadline for applications was 2 June 2021.
Due to rapid technological development, many contractual relationships are already set to change drastically in the near future. This article takes a look ahead into the new world of contracts.
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