Der zweitägige Workshop „Defense training“ mit Dr. Jan Schmidt bereitet Promovierende umfassend auf die Verteidigung vor. Neben der Frage, wie eine Dissertationsverteidigung einzuordnen ist (Prüfung? Vortrag?) und wie man sich darauf vorbereitet, werden rhetorische Fähigkeiten, der Umgang mit schwierigen Fragen und die Strukturierung des Vortrags praxisnah trainiert. Simulationen bieten den Teilnehmern die Möglichkeit, sich selbst und andere kritisch zu reflektieren und die erlernten Techniken direkt anzuwenden.
Anmeldung: Bitte per E-Mail an Carolin Ibelshäuser bis Montag, 14. Oktober 2024.

The five-day writing week offers members of the KIT Graduate School Cultures of Knowledge the opportunity to withdraw from everyday life and devote themselves specifically to writing. The aim is to further develop individual writing projects (articles, dissertations).
Intensive writing sessions form the structure of the weekly schedule. Support is provided by an external consultant (Dr. Jutta Wergen, Coachingzone Wissenschaft). Individual coaching sessions and opportunities for exchange between the CuKnows complement the program.
If you are interested, please register by the end of September at anna.keitemeier@kit.edu.

After MayDay is before MayDay! On May 14, 2025, it's that time again: PhD students and professors will come together for the 3rd Doc Retreat of the KIT Graduate School Cultures of Knowledge. There will be space to present each other's doctoral theses, to exchange ideas and to discuss the future of the graduate school. We look forward to a lively exchange!

Nikas Scheidt, CuKnow-Mitglied und wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftspolitik, hat an der 37th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS) teilgenommen und dort am 3. Juli 2024 im Rahmen der Session "Energy market / Policies" die neueste Forschung des Teams präsentiert.
Das Paper mit dem Titel "Identification of Renewable Energy Trademarks - A Classification Study Using a Support Vector Machine" untersucht die Nutzung von Marken als ergänzende Informationsquelle zu Patentanmeldungen, um Innovationen im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien besser zu erfassen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass maschinelles Lernen effektiv zur Identifikation von Marken eingesetzt werden kann und eröffnen neue Perspektiven für die Bewertung von Innovationen im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien.
Die Reise nach Rhodos wurde von der KIT-Graduiertenschule Cultures of Knowledge gefördert und unterstützt.
Bingzhu Qi hat im Januar und Februar 2024 die Feldforschung für seine Dissertation in Peking durchgeführt. In seiner Feldforschung versucht er, den Prozess der Wohnstandortwahl von Einwohnern Pekings durch die Datenerhebungsmethode der narrativen Interviews zu rekonstruieren, um so die Rolle kultureller Faktoren im Prozess der sozialräumlichen Differenzierung und Segregation zu verstehen. Am Ende wurden 23 Interviews durchgeführt.
Die Reise nach Peking wurde von der KIT-Graduiertenschule Cultures of Knowledge gefördert und unterstützt.

Berlin, Berlin, Susanne Weyland fuhr nach Berlin: Sie war anlässlich der Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie vom 09. bis 11. Mai an der dortigen BSP Business & Law School. Getreu dem Motto der Tagung „Methodenvielfalt: Lebendigkeit in Theorie und Praxis“ präsentierte sie dort eine Methode zur Messung von Freude an körperlicher Aktivität. Lebendig wurde es dann bei einer Podiumsdiskussion zur Rolle der Sportpsychologie im Leistungssport, an der unter anderem Torsten Frings und Fredi Bobic teilnahmen. Zum Ausklang einer spannenden Tagung ging es in das Berliner Stadion an der Alten Försterei.
Die Reise nach Berlin wurde von der KIT-Graduiertenschule Cultures of Knowledge gefördert und unterstützt.

Resul Zoroglu hat im Mai 2024 das 6-tägige Promovierendenkolloquium des Avicenna Studienwerks in Marrakesch besucht. Das Kolloquium stand unter dem Motto „Glaube und Kultur: Stille Impulsgeber der Wissenschaft“ und konzentrierte sich auf die fachliche und persönliche Entwicklung der Teilnehmenden während ihrer Promotion. Ein Highlight war der Besuch der Universität Cadi Ayyad, wo eine Begrüßung durch den Dekan stattfand und eine spannende Diskussion mit Prof. Naima Fdil und Prof. Nadia El Idrissi Slitine zum Thema „Medicine, Research and Ethics“ geführt wurde. Ein kultureller Höhepunkt war der Besuch des Bahia-Palasts, ein beeindruckendes Beispiel marokkanischer Architektur.
Die Reise nach Marrakesch wurde von der KIT-Graduiertenschule Cultures of Knowledge gefördert und mitfinanziert.
During the 2nd annual meeting of the KIT Graduate School Cultures of Knowledge, the two doctoral candidates Susanne Weyland and Pascal Vetter received their certificates of completion for their successful participation in the CuKnow program. We congratulate them both and wish them continued success for their (scientific) careers!

The second Doc Retreat MayDay of the KIT Graduate School Cultures of Knowledge took place on May 15, 2024. More than 20 doctoral candidates and professors from different disciplines came together to present their doctoral theses to each other, exchange ideas and discuss the future of the Graduate School. Many thanks to all participants for their active participation!

The courses offered by the KIT Graduate School Cultures of Knowledge are now online. We wish all doctoral students a good start into the summer semester 2024!
Course Program
It's finally time again: from 1 to 5 July 2024, an interdisciplinary summer school will take place in San Sebastián, organized by ITAS and others. The event title is "The transformation challenge: Re-Thinking cultures of research" and (CuKnow) doctoral candidates can send their proposal to Bettina-Johanna Krings until January 15, 2024.
Program (PDF)
As researchers and teachers in science, CuKnow members face a wide range of tasks and challenges. Supported by a theater pedagogue and a talent coach, the participants received exciting impulses to strengthen their scientific personality over three days and learned how to deal confidently and flexibly with challenges in everyday scientific life.
If you have any questions, please contact Elisa Adams and Joana Kling.
The courses offered by the Graduate School Cultures of Knowledge are now online. We wish all doctoral students a good start into the winter semester 2023/23!
From October 16-17, 2023, KIT-ZMUT, CuKnow, and ITAS will organize the workshop "The Diversity of Knowledge and its Relevance". This highlighted the importance of different forms of knowledge for the transformation of modern societies, especially against the background of global challenges. The workshop serves to promote interdisciplinary dialogue and the exchange of ideas for a more sustainable future and is offered to CuKnow members.
For registration and questions, contact Christina Benighaus.

Together with KIT-ITZ, the KIT Graduate School CuKnow organized a PhD workshop from 04.10.23 to 06.10.23. Here we offered participants the opportunity to reflect on their PhD, gain valuable insights into the writing process, and strengthen their research project. The topics included situational awareness at various stages of the doctorate, writing strategies, visualization in writing, and opportunities for individual questioning and feedback.
For additional information, please contact Christina Benighaus.

We are continuously developing CuKnow, and starting in 2023 we are establishing an annual date in May as a central event for all PhDs of the Graduate School CuKnow, the MayDay. On this 1st MayDay on May 24, 2023, PhDs presented their currently running PhD theses in interdisciplinary teams in the guest lecturers' house and new PIs explained their content focus. A vivid exchange took place.
Graduate School CuKnow
Elisabeth Weiß-Sinn has become the 1st graduate of the KIT Graduate School CuKnow to receive her official certificate on Wednesday, May 24, 2023 at the annual meeting of PhDs.
Graduate School CuKnow
The KIT Graduate School CuKnow grants 4 short-term scholarships for which CuKnow members can apply now. The funding is intended to further strengthen inter-institutional interdisciplinary collaboration in the CuKnow Graduate School. The deadline for submission is 15.06.2023. If you have any questions, please contact Christina Benighaus.
On June 05 and 06, 2023, CuKnow member Prof. Nieken with her group and the KD²School will host the first workshop on "Gender in Adaptive Design" at KIT's Triangle Open Space. In an interdisciplinary format, international researchers discuss topics around gender discrimination, AI, and adaptive systems. Together, we will discuss how the integration of gender aspects can lead to fairer and more inclusive technological solutions. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Paul M. Gorny.
Program (PDF)
Nikas Scheidt spent two weeks in September 2022 at the Centre for Development Studies and the Gulati Institute of Finance and Taxation in Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala/India). As India experiences rapid population and economic growth, she is a key country for sustainable development. He met local researchers working on technological change in India and discussed with them and their students current research findings on the role of technology and international institutions in sustainable development. Future collaboration between the researchers is planned. The research stay was funded and supported by the Networking Grant and the Graduate School Cultures of Knowledge at KIT.

In the future, the Graduate School Cultures of Knowledge can award grants for travel at home and abroad. Each enrolled member of CuKnow can apply for an annual budget of max. 750,- € for travel or conference expenses. During the entire membership period, up to 3,000 € per PhD student will be funded if sufficient funds are available. Travel must be related to the respective dissertation or research project. Further information on the formalities of business travel accounting can be found here. If you have further questions, for example about the budget or the accounting, you can contact christina.benighaus@kit.edu.
Graduate School CuKnow
The Graduate School CuKnow invited to the three-part workshop series "Der Dialog als Erkenntnisgewinn" on 20 January, 3 February and 17 February. The workshop series aims to reflect on dialogue as an insightful medium of knowledge production. Click here for the event. If you have any questions, please contact Anna Keitemeier.
On Thursday, 29 September 2022, the convention of the graduate school "Cultures of Knowledge" took place in person. Topics included future content and funding strategies. For questions and further information, please contact: Christina Benighaus.
Program (PDF)
From June 27 to 29, 2022, the Summer School entitled "Methodological Diversity" took place at the Institute of Sport and Sport Science of KIT. The Summer School was part of the PhD student program of the graduate school Cultures of Knowledge (CuKnow) as well as the program "Problem-Oriented Sport Science". The program included various key note lectures and workshops as well as opportunities for social exchange and a sporty evening program.