Why become a member of CuKnow?
- Formation of interdisciplinary networks between doctoral students
- Awarding of short-term scholarships for the application phase and final phase of the doctorate as well as support in the acquisition of further funding
- Supportive mentoring by a professional supervisor from another discipline
- Participation in courses of the Karlsruhe House of Young Scientists (KHYS) and other graduate schools to promote scientific work and interdisciplinary exchange with other doctoral students
- Professional qualification in one's own discipline through assignment to an area of specialization
- DocRetreat (MayDay) as an annual event and centerpiece of interdisciplinary collaboration within the graduate school
- Financial support in the form of travel budget, purchase of software licenses, etc.
- Certificate at the end of the doctorate

How to become a member of CuKnow?
Doctoral researchers submit a 1 page letter of motivation in which they the connection to the subject of the graduate school and a 3-5 pages research proposal describing their doctoral project including a timeline. A Curriculum Vitae (max. 2 pages) and a copy of the confirmation of registration at KHYS or letter of acceptance as doctoral researcher to the KIT Department accompanies the paper. If the supervisor is not part of the graduate school, the application should be accompanied by a short letter of recommendation. On this basis, the board of directors can evaluate the application, whether it fits the graduate school and the cooperation with the first supervisor and ideally endorse the admission. The application must be filed through our online application platform.
For questions concerning the application process, please contact Coordination at coordination∂cuknow.kit.edu.