Karlsruhe School of Sustainability
News 2017
The first spring days of sustainability
here. The “spring days for sustainability” are ideal for students in their first or second year, from KIT and the other Karlsruhe universities, offering an opportunity to learn about sustainability and its numerous connections to humanities, science and technology – this might shed a new light on your own discipline. Unfortunately, this first time it is all in German… (to the registration website)
For the first time at the KIT, the “spring days for sustainability” will take place from 8th to 10th of march. “Sustainable Development” will be discussed using different everyday-examples without loosing the scientific backround out of sight. Four workshops will show in turn different aspects of sustainability, such as water use, life cycle thinking, personal sustainability and scientific policy advice. This programme is framed by guest lectures, discussions and a market of possibilities to find your own way to engage. Details can be found
News 2016
Zero-waste sharing society forum in Tartu
This year the Rohevik Forum is titled “A zero-waste sharing society” and takes place in Tartu on 15 September in the University of Life Sciences. The Forum seeks inspiration on circular thinking by looking into the potential of building a thriving zero-waste society. Kaidi Tamm from KSN is invited to speak about “Achieving sustainability in interplay of civil society and policy-making”.
7th IST-Conference in Wuppertal
7th International Sustainability Transitions (IST) Conference. It will take place in Wuppertal from 6-9 September 2016. The theme for this year’s IST conference is “Exploring Transition Research as Transformative Science”. The conference is the annual opportunity to share theoretical, empirical and practical advances in the field of sustainability transitions. It is part of the activities of the Sustainability Transitions Research Network (STRN).
The KSN participates at the
Presentation of the project results
On July 20th (at 5:45 PM) the students and the KSN will present the results of this terms transdisciplinary project course in our Future Space, in Rintheimer Straße 46. In this project course we supported the initiative of welfare-economics in Karlsruhe (Gemeinwohlökonomie Karlsruhe) to promote their intends of remodeling Karlsruhe’s economy for the purpose of a sustainable Development. The students will present their ideas to the initiative of welfare-economics and to everybody who may be interested.
Welfare-economics theme event for entrepreneurs
As part of a KSN project cousre in the program of Complementary Studies on Sustainable Development a group of students invites local entrepreneurs to get to know about the concept of welfare-economics. Of course anybody else being interested is more than welcome to join this meeting in the Future Space, Rintheimer Straße 46, on July 13th. We will discuss the approach to a more sustainable economy. Here you can find the evenings agenda.
Student initiatives for sustainability introduce themselves
Ringvorlesung Nachhaltige Entwicklung) we open the stage for multiple student initiatives that engage themselves in different aspects of a sustainable development. The best way of learning about sustainability is getting involved yourself. After a short presentation of each group everybody has the chance to get directly in touch with each initiative. You will find us in building 20.40, Jordan lecture hall, next to the entrance on the right hand side. July 11th, 3:45-5:15 PM. Guest are warmly welcome.
On the KIT campus there are more groups and activities than anyone can possibly overview -especially concerning topics such as sustainability there are several individual teams and attempts. That is why in the last event of this terms ring lecture of sustainable development (
The winners have been announced! Your sustainable experiment (“Dein NachhaltigkeitsExperiment”)
Until June 12th the cooperation of District Future and Bürgerstiftung Karlsruhe had searched for projects promoting both community and deacceleration in Karlsruhe Oststadt. On July 4th the winning teams will be presented in the Future Space, Rintheimer Straße 46. For the next nine months they will start activities for a sustainable future in the Oststadt. The KSN- Fotobox will also be there as a part of the event. Find more information on the website of
Workshop: "Awareness as the Key Aspect in (Un)sustainability"
On June 29th, 2:00 – 6:00 PM, there is an open workshop about “Awareness as the Key Aspect in (Un)sustainability” in the Future Space, organized by the KSN. The event is being run by Ingvar Villido from Estland. As a Yoga master he found the Lilleoru-Community in 1992 and is professor for awareness at “Art of Conscious Change School” at the moment. The workshop is part of the research colloquium “Personale Nachhaltigkeit – Mit Leib und Seele nachhaltig” and is open for anybody being interested. The event is held in English language and will be translated into German if requested. You are very welcome.
Communitymeeting: "How does community actually work?"
workshop about personal sustainability the day before. Lilleoru community was founded in 1992 and has around 120 members. Their experience will tell us about community building. The meeting is organized in cooperation with “Quartier Zukunft – Labor Stadt”.
On 30th of July the KSN is having an open theme evening about “how community actually works”. We will start at 6 PM in the Future Space. Our Guests are members of the Lilleoru ecovillage in Estland, who are also running the open
technik.kontrovers: sustainability is purchasable …isn’t it?
In the sequal of “technik.kontrovers” (=Controversial technology) the ITAS is presenting socially critical topics on technology on which the institute is investigating. In the second event in 2016 the limits and benefits of sustainable consumption are being discussed. As CEO of the KSN Richard Beecroft will talk with Armin Grunwald and Jürgen Kopfmüller about this topic. The Event will take place on 23rd of June at Karlstraße 11. Further information about the events of “technik.kontrovers” you will find
Days of sustainability in Baden-Württemberg 2016: Fotobox is part of the open-air living room
Days od sustainability in Baden-Württemberg the Future Space is announcing an open-air living room.The Karlsruhe School of Sustainability participates at the activities with its Fotobox. You will find us on Saturday 06.04.2016, from 4 to 8 PM in Rintheimer Straße 46. We warmly invite everybody to share his or her personal vision of sustainability. Pass by and spend the sunny afternoon with us.
As part of the
Days of sustainability in Germany 2016: Open lecture
German Days of sustainability 2016 the KSN invites both interested students and citizens to an open course in "Comparing strategies of sustainability: efficiency, consistency, sufficiency". The seminar is part of the lecture series Sustainable Development Sustainable Development and will take place on Monday, 30/05/2016 from 3:45 PM to 5:15 PM in the Jordan Auditorium, Building 20:40, KIT Campus South.
During the
Agenda 2030 and new global aims of sustainability. What does this mean for Karlsruhe?
If you want to find out more about the Agenda 2030 and what it means for Karlsruhe, please come to the workshop on 03.06.2016 at the Jubez. The LUBW’s office of sustainability is organizing this event in cooperation with the Agenda 21 office of Karlsruhe e.V. and the KSN will be there, too. Together we will discuss the objectives of Agenda 2030 developed by the United Nations. What is the impact on our work in Kalsruhe? More information and the program of the event can be found here.
Your sustainable experiment (“Dein NachhaltigkeitsExperiment”): community and deacceleration in Karlsruhe Oststadt
Quartier Zukunft is searching for people who want to promote community and deacceleration in Karlsruhe Oststadt. It’s all about good living an our future, isn’t it? That’s why we are looking for YOU. What’s happening if you change your life? Go and start your own SustainabilityExperiment! Take your time – until the 12th of June. Take your ideas seriously and stir them up. Start a project. Start future.
From now on the cooperation of Bürgerstiftung Kasrlsruhe andEverything you need to know, you will find here.
Congratulations, Karlshochschule
The Karlshochschule newly introduced a Bachelors course in „International Sustainability Management“. The Focus on „Sustainability Management“ is also an elective module in the master course. We congratulate to this forward-looking contribution to the higher education spectrum in Karlsruhe, Good luck with the start!
Summer term 2016
In summer term 2016, the KSS contributes to the teaching profile of KIT with innovative courses: In the transdisciplinary project course “Economy of the common good”, we support an Initiative in Karlsruhe in the sustainable transformation of the regional economy. In the Research Colloquium “personal sustainability: sustainable with body and soul?”, we will search for the often forgotten side of sustainability. Also, we support the lecture series “Sustainable Development” with an introductory lecture and a complimentary seminar.
Certificate course in sustainable mobility planning: smart & partizipatory
In cooperation with Hector School the KSN is offering in November 2016 the first certificate course, titled: "sustainable mobility planning: smart & partizipatory!". The aim of the certificate course is to provide the necessary basis for the systematic promotion of sustainable mobility culture. It will be worked out how smart technologies networks and participatory planning processes can be interlinked with each other in order to contribute to sustainable urban development. The certificate course is designed for professionals and management staff in the fields of transport planning, urban development and urban planning, who are employed in management, municipal companies, consulting and advertising agencies or civil society.
Sustainability barcamp in Karlsruhe
The sustainability movement in Karlsruhe is building up velocity. On the “sustainability bar camp” on April 4th, some 300 participants discussed various questions on sustainability in Karlsruhe. We contributed a session on Multi-Stakeholder Kooperation in Higher Education for sustainable Development. Many thanks to the Organizers from “Karlshochschule” and the enterpreneur initiative “Fairantwortung” for this wonderful opportunity for regional networking.
Cooperation between Civil Society and Science – Karlsruhe School of Sustainability takes part in the Discussion
The first workshop of „Plattform Forschungswende“ (Platform Transition of Science) took place on January 11th in Stuttgart, to find new ways of cooperation between civil society and science. Oliver Parodi represented the Karlsruhe School of Sustainability and the project „District Future – Urban Lab“, discussing on the podium with Theresia Bauer (Minister of Science) and representatives of civil society groups Potentials and obstacles for cooperation between science and civil society. These forms of cooperation require training on both sides: what can we achieve in science through the inclusion of civil society actors – and how can civil society contribute to all phases of science, even to the agenda setting? Issues that are at the core of the transdisciplinary profile of Karlsruhe School of Sustainability.
Students present their Project Results for the Karlsruhe RepairCafé
On February 10th Students from the project course „repair – reuse – DIY” presented their project results to the external partner, the RepairCafé Group Karlsruhe. Five teams had been working on their own Topics with practical relevance: the search for cooperation partners, possible hosts for RepairCafes, local retailers selling spare parts, best practice analysis of other repair Cafes, the optimization of internal processes in the newly registered society and an image video, Apart from the practical usefulness for the RepairCafe, this seminar gave Students in depth insights into the microsphere of transitions towards sustainability.
KSN at the German Future Earth Summit
The Karlsruhe School of Sustainability attends the second German Future Earth Summit in Berlin from 28.-29. January. Kaidi Tamm presents a poster about KSN and invites the delegates along with Katja Saar to participate in the special event program – the Fotobox of Sustainability of the Karlsruhe School of Sustainability. The German Future Earth Summit (www.dkn-future-earth.org) is a national conference for researchers and stakeholders interested in global sustainability research offering a platform to support the interdisciplinary dialogue. It is hosted by the global initiative futureearth (www.futureearth.org).
Courses in the winter term 2015/16
The Karlsruhe School of Sustainability is pleased to offer two new courses in the upcoming winter term. Both “Experimenting in the Transition Lab: Research Colloquium on Sustainability Studies” and “Repair, Reuse, DIY: Project course on the RepairCafé Karlsruhe” are offered for the first time and are part of our Complementary Studies on Sustainable Development. This Curricula is offered since summer semester 2015 in cooperation with the Centre for Cultural and General Studies. The Complementary Studies on Sustainable Development is offered in German language.
News 2015
Courses in the winter term 2015/16
The Karlsruhe School of Sustainability is pleased to offer two new courses in the upcoming winter term. Both “Experimenting in the Transition Lab: Research Colloquium on Sustainability Studies” and “Repair, Reuse, DIY: Project course on the RepairCafé Karlsruhe” are offered for the first time and are part of our Complementary Studies on Sustainable Development. This Curricula is offered since summer semester 2015 in cooperation with the Centre for Cultural and General Studies. The Complementary Studies on Sustainable Development is offered in German language.