Eucor-MobiLab Roadshow 2023
Making top-level research on sustainability in the Upper Rhine region visible to all is the goal of the Eucor-MobiLab Roadshow. In the cities of the five member universities of the trinational Eucor network (Universities of Freiburg, Basel, Strasbourg, Haute-Alsace and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) as well as in Kehl, there will be activities in the field of knowledge transfer, science communication and research. Citizens have the opportunity to experience "hands-on science" and to interact with researchers.
The traveling venue for the multifaceted program is the MobiLab - the mobile participation lab of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. The sustainably produced Tiny House on Wheels was created in 2021 by cooperation of the KIT Center Humans and Technology and the Karlsruhe Transformation Center for Sustainability and Cultural Change (KAT) and offers diverse participatory use options in the interior and the adjacent public space. It is thus ideally suited to host exchanges between the scientific community and the general public.
From June 26, 2023, the tour will start through the Upper Rhine region. Workshops and participatory activities will take place, as well as research on the following topics: Climate Change (Adaptation) in Cities; Energy (Photovoltaic, Geothermal, Lithium); Urban & Sustainable Food Systems.
The objectives of the roadshow are to make an innovative contribution to top-level research with cross-border partners, to promote the exchange between society and science on sustainability issues, and to increase the visibility of research topics in the spectrum of sustainability research in the Eucor region.
The framework of the event is provided by Eucor - The European Campus. Eucor is a trinational association between the five universities in the Upper Rhine region in the heart of Europe. Together, the universities bundle competencies of 15,000 researchers, 13,500 doctoral candidates as well as 117,000 students in a strong research and economic region between France, Germany and Switzerland. The aim is to build up a clearly profiled scientific area without walls and borders with international appeal. The goals are, in particular, the expansion of research cooperation; establishment of excellent focal points (including sustainability); transfer to the economy and society and its cross-border dimension.

Freiburg: June 26 - 30, 2023
Platz der alten Synagoge
Participating Institutions:
Uni Freiburg: Klimapuzzle (PDF),
FeSa e.V.
Freiburg Program

Basel: September 15 - 18, 2023
Participating Institutions:
Basel Stadt, SwissTPH, Univeristy of Basel, Unistra, Ernährungsforum Basel, TMO
Basel Program

Kehl: September 20 & 21, 2023
Participating Institutions:
City of Kehl, TMO, Ortenauer Energieagentur, Unistra, BadenovaNetze, KIAF
Kehl Program

Strasbourg: October 06 - 08, 2023
Place de Nobel
Participating Institutions:
KIT, KIT-ZMUT, KAT, ITAS, Eucor, Unistra, OPUS, INSA, Solenville, Citique, Agende du climate, Hoplatransition
Strasbourg Program
Karlsruhe Program
Mulhouse Program
Das MobiLab hat im Rahmen der Science Week ein spanndes Programm auf dem Kronenplatz geboten, dass viele Besucher:innen anlockte. Wir haben verschiedene Aktivitäten vom KIT präsentiert, zu Themen wie "Vernetztes Denken", Energieversorgung der Zukunft, das Projekt "Gemeinsam Stadt_Machen" des Instituts für Regionalwissenschaft oder Forschung zu pflanzenbasierter Ernährung (Max Rubner-Institut). Ebenso wurden Projekte aus Strasbourg vorgestellt, zur Gesundheitsgeschichte und KI sowie ein Landing Game; ein Kooperationsspiel zum Klimawandel am Oberrhein. Auch Eucor war mit zahlreichen Informations- und Beratungsangeboten vor Ort. Der breiten Öffentlichkeit wurde die Möglichkeit gegeben, das MobiLab kennenzulernen und es gab einen fotografischen Rückblick auf die bisherigen Stationen der Eucor-MobiLab Roadshow. Danke an alle, die mitgewirkt haben!
Das MobiLab war im Rahmen der Eucor-MobiLab Roadshow das erste Mal zu Besuch in Frankreich. Vom 6. bis 8. Oktober wurden in Strasbourg auf dem Wissenschaftsfest "Jardin des Sciences" deutsch- und französischsprachige Forschungsprojekte präsentiert. Es fand ein reger Austausch mit der interessierten Bevölkerung statt. Danke an unsere französischen Partner:innen der Uni Strasbourg!
Die Roadshow in der deutsch-französischen Metropolregion: Am 20. und 21. September empfing uns die Stadt Kehl auf dem Marktplatz! Das Programm war unter anderem fokussiert auf die Themen Energie- und Wärmewende in der Region und Klimaneutralität Kehls. Die Ortenauer Energieagentur und BadenovaNetze boten ganz praktische Mitmach- und Beratungsangebote für Bürger:innen an. Die nächste Station im dt.-frz. Grenzraum ist vom 6. bis 8. Oktober Strasbourg.

Die zweite Station der Eucor-MobiLab Roadshow fand in Basel statt. Neben Informationsveranstaltungen gab es viele interaktive und interdisziplinäre Mitmach-Angebote, bei denen es etwa um aktuelle Themen wie Klimawandel, Gesundheit und Ernährung ging. Wir danken der Uni Basel für die Gastfreundschaft und freuen uns auf den nächsten Stopp in Kehl am 20. und 21. September 2023.

How do you feel about the heat in your city? What measures can help to adapt to ever higher temperatures and offer citizens a life-friendly space? As part of the EUCOR Tour, the KIT invites citizens in the involved cities to participate in a survey. It will take about ten minutes and will help to better understand the challenges of urban heat and to develop potential solutions.
Click here to go directly to the survey.
Flyer (PDF)
From June 26 to 30, the MobiLab was a guest in Freiburg. After an opening event on Monday, exciting hands-on activities and research activities took place in the following days. The knowledge and experiences of the citizens were asked for in surveys on the topic of heat in cities as well as on biodiversity in the Black Forest. In addition, various research projects were presented, such as the I4C project of the University of Freiburg. Knowledge about climate change was conveyed in a playful way with the climate puzzle. We are looking forward to the next stop of the roadshow in Basel from September 15-18, 2023.

More than 30 participants from universities in the Eucor region met at KIT on January 17 for a hybrid kick-off workshop to draft cooperations during the planned MobiLab Road Show 2023. Stops include Strasbourg, Freiburg, and Karlsruhe, where actions from the transfer fields of research, science communication, and education will take place in and at MobiLab.

During the digital workshop for the upcoming MobiLab Roadshow through the Eucor region, scientists and Eucor speakers from the universities in Karlsruhe, Strasbourg, Basel, Freiburg and Mulhouse met on December 2. The thematic focus of the tour was further developed and organizational aspects were discussed. In January, a follow-up workshop with all participants of the tour will take place in Karlsruhe.

In 2023, the MobiLab will go on tour through the Eucor region and will make guest appearances at the universities of Strasbourg, Basel, and Freiburg. In addition, it will be part of the Science Week program at KIT. Those who are interested in using this event to do research at MobiLab were welcome to participate in the Interest Workshop on December 02, 2022.

The mobile participation lab MobiLab recently had its first birthday and looks back on a diverse year with many exciting assignments in and around Karlsruhe. A current overview of these assignments can be found here. In 2023, the MobiLab will start a research tour through the Eucor area! More information will follow soon.